A SIG group established for those photographers interested in Bird & Nature Photography.
In 2024 members are due to meet at the club every 2nd Tuesday on alternate months commencing Tuesday 13th February. Every other month, in between the club meetings, outings will be arranged according to the suggestions and guidance of the SIG Leadership & members.
If you are interested in this genre of photography please contact Sue Wilson, Sheryle Griffiths or Sandra McArthur at the Camera Club for more information.
To keep up to date with planned activities of this SIG, please review the syllabus program or visit the private members Facebook page: Geelong Camera Club Birds & Nature Group.
This group holds a series of fortnightly photographic field trips on a Thursday morning during school terms.
After each field trip they meet on the following Thursday at 10am at the club rooms to look at and discuss their photos.
A syllabus is created and devised to fit around 3 challenging themes per year. At the conclusion of each theme term, Lightseeker members submit images of each challenge to illustrate experience gained and lessons learnt.
For more details please contact Alan Wilkins at the Camera Club.
Presently this SIG has been paused.
The group is open to all members of the Geelong Camera Club free of charge and meets on the first Thursday of the month, 12.30pm, that coincides with a Lightseekers 'at home' meeting in the clubroom.
Please keep an eye on the syllabus to check the dates. It is primarily a self-help group where more experienced members share their knowledge to help newer members and all members share their experience to improve their images by using Photoshop.
There is normally a planned tutorial program for each meeting and opportunity for questions and individual help. The group attempts to maintain interest by mixing basic, intermediate, and advanced topics.
​For more details please contact Heather Prince at the Camera Club.
This group is open to all members who are interested in creative photography, digital compilations and altered reality images.
At present we are meeting every 2 weeks on a Thursday evening. We explore the Photoshop skills needed to created compiled and altered reality images.
This is a very active and vibrant group and would suits those who wants to unlock their inner creative.
​For more details please contact Heather Prince at the Camera Club.