1964 - 1965 Mr. R. Kirkham
1966 - 1967 Mr. A. J. Firth
1968 - 1971 Mr. R. Kirkham
1972 - 1973 Mr. J. Abrahams
1972 - 1973 Mr. S. Bankin
1973 - 1974 Mr. J. Abrahams
1975 - 1976 Mr. R. McMahon
1977 - 1978 Mr. B. Ketchen
1979 - 1980 Rev. I. Littler
1981 - 1982 Mr. B. Ketchen
1982 - 1983 Mrs. T. Graham
1984 - 1986 Mr. G. Harris
2015 - 2016 Liesel McGregor
2017 - 2021 Heather Prince
2022 - Nick Abbott-Young
Please find the club Committee members below who are responsible and accountable for the smooth operations and viability of the club.
You are welcome to contact any committee member should you have any queries or concerns on club matters.
Our Committee
President: Robert Long
Vice President: Shelley McKiernan
Secretary: Paul Muir
Treasurer: Meredith Bain
Committee Members:
Steve Davies
Chris Reichl
Heather Prince
Larry Devenish
Judith Medwell
Bob Medwell
Lyn Northam