These instructions are for every instance where you need to submit an EDI including:
Monthly competitions
End of Year Awards
Interclub competitions
Other external competitions such as VAPS and Australia Cup
Sending to the webmaster to put on the website
Electronic images must be sRGB images sized so that they will fit within a box 1920px wide by 1080px high.
Note that the height of a portrait style image cannot be more than 1080px.
Maximum File Size is 1.5MB.
If you are not sure how to resize please find a Youtube video for your software (e.g Lightroom, Photoshop etc.). Here is a document for Photoshop.
​​If you are still not sure how to do this please ask one of our members.
When you 'Save As' your resized image, name the file as follows:
Image title (e.g. Mt Buffalo)
Membership # (e.g. 007).
If your membership # has only 2 digits please include a zero at the start - write 007 - not just 07.
Name of Competition (e.g. May Open EDI, June EDI Set Subject)
(Note: spaces are permitted and .jpg will automatically appear at the end)
Your file name should look like this:
eg: Mt Buffalo 071 May Open EDI.jpg
or Mt Buffalo 071 May Altered Reality EDI.jpg
or Mt Buffalo Ballarat Intercomp.jpg
If you are still not sure how to do this please ask one of our members.